Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I woke up this morning smiling, and overzealous – I’m on my way back to the glorious state of Texas, to visit my family, and properly welcome my niece into the world. It has been too long since I have been home, almost two years. The thing that I appreciate about family is they are always renewing their love for you. The love never leaves, but when you have been away for a while, the love it transformed into something new. Something stronger. I like to think of it as having a love recycling plant inside your body, lol.

Can’t wait to watch strange Anime movies and giggle with my brother, Richard – gossip with my mother, Marilyn, and other women from church…Momma Howard. Be silly with my Aunt Glo. Talk about being a mother with my sister-in-law, Lori. Family is the best thing of earth; I mean, even the wildest of animals have families. I personally do not understand how some people voluntarily chose to go through life without their family. Of course, every family has fallings out…where you hate each other sometime, but you get over it! Because as the clichéd saying goes, “Blood is thicker than water!”

My family gives me passion. They have taught me what real, unconditioned love really is. They have taught me drama, laughter, respect and the ability to smile. Passion is a tricky thing; I think that passion is something you learn early. My mother has always supported every crazy thing that I do. She allows me the passion to want to go to school forever, lol, the passion to freely love and give love – passion gives me goose bumps. It quickens the heartbeat, makes the hands slightly sweaty, and makes your smile dance…

Now, obviously there is more than one type of passion. For all the nasties, there is the passion that makes you rip your clothes off in the stairwell, or shake a little harder in the club, lol. There is the passion I was speaking of above, a dedication – enthusiasm, a commitment to life, and happiness.

I have so much passion inside me that I wish at times I could rent it out, and made a few coins. There are so many things that I am passionate about – love, sleeping, smiling, family, writing, poetry, food, faith and being happy to name a few.

(Interjection: I’m writing this at the airport while waiting to board… why is that the most dreary, tired ass people always fly with you… I look at these people going to Houston, and I just think: it is no reason I moved to New York. Ugh, they ALL look a mess!) Sorry, back to passion…

Passion, like love is also recyclable, things that I was passionate about in middle school (i.e. tetherball), or in my undergrad (i.e. graduating) are not longer the focus of my passion chart. I was able to retire those, and recycle my passion to bigger things (i.e. finding a real job or loving my niece). My once lover, Oscar Wilde used to always tell me:

“Nothing is serious except passion.”

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